April 5, 2022
Peyton Furtado,

BRUNWICK AND NEW HANOVER COUNTIES (WWAY) — Every 68 seconds, a man or woman is assaulted in the U.S.

April is Sexual Assault Awareness month, and it’s all about bringing the issue of sexual violence to light and helping victims get the resources they need.

Hope Harbor Home’s Karmen Smith sees it all the time, especially during this month of awareness. The Brunswick County domestic violence shelter helps victims of sexual assault from all walks of life, many silently living with a traumatic memory or reality.

“You’re existing almost with a weighted blanket on you, and you feel like everybody can see it. And you feel like everybody knows,” Smith explained. “But deep down, you know they don’t which is incredibly isolating.”

That’s one reason Sexual Assault Awareness month exists. One in three women and one in six men have experienced some form of sexual assault in the U.S.

Smith herself survived sexual violence, and remembers the trauma kept her from reaching out. The month makes information and resources readily available to victims still in denial.

“My mindset was how dare I walk through the front door and take that help away from someone who doesn’t have that support. It’s just not true. If a human being is experiencing this violent crime, that human has the right to reach out for services no matter their circumstances,” she said.

Most victims of sexual assault fall between the ages of 18 and 30, though minors can also be the target of sexual violence. According to New Hanover County Sheriff Ed McMahon, 60-year-old sex offender James Branch was arrested yesterday on six charges of sexual assault against two minors. The crimes spanned over a decade, and could include more victims.

According to McMahon, “If someone has been convicted in the past, and is charged again years later, then I would guess there very well could be other victims.”

The two victims only just came forward after being assaulted a few years ago. McMahon said often times, victims won’t come forward for one big reason… shame. They blame themselves, and some believe there’s a statue of limitations when in reality, there is none for sexual assault.

“Could be a family member. Could be someone that they’re close to or is close to the family,” he said. “They don’t want problems or trouble, but they are victims in the purest sense. And we always say, think about others also. Because if it was you, then it’s very likely that someone else has or will be assaulted in the future.”

If you’re a victim of sexual assault, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-7233, or reach out to a local shelter like Hope Harbor Home, or Domestic Violence Shelter and Services.

New Hanover County Sheriff’s Office is asking anyone with information on James Branch’s crime to call law enforcement.

Content retrieved from: https://www.wwaytv3.com/officials-raise-awareness-victim-shares-experience-during-sexual-assault-awareness-month/.