Once You’re Aware, It’s Time to Do Something About It
Raising awareness is good and all, but action is better. 4 tool kits to help you out By DomesticShelters.org We are constantly bombarded with this message about the importance of…
24 Hour Crisis Line 252-925-2500
Raising awareness is good and all, but action is better. 4 tool kits to help you out By DomesticShelters.org We are constantly bombarded with this message about the importance of…
Intruders are looking for an easy-in—make sure that’s not your home By Amanda Kippert According to FBI crime statistics, there are over a million burglaries a year. Over 60 percent…
A survivor nearly married an abuser, but complete strangers helped her spot red flags By Bridey Heing I’m not sure what I was expecting from a group of strangers on…
A survivor opens up about an abusive boyfriend she met when she was a teen and says police failed to protect her By Kimberly Gladden-Eversley Names have been changed for…
Bad news: If you’re trapped in a cycle of abuse, it’s most likely going to only get worse By Amanda Kippert When you ask survivors what their last straw was…
Domestic abusers incite reactive abuse and record their victims By Lisa Aronson Fontes, PhD Some domestic abusers provoke their target, inciting what’s often known as reactive abuse, and use the…
How the hue became associated with the movement to end domestic violence By DomesticShelters.org Ever wonder how a cause chooses what color to make it’s signature shade? It’s not just…
5 ways to stand up against domestic violence in your community By DomesticShelters.org Whether you’ve survived it, known someone who has survived it, or are just a kind and decent…
How you can help raise awareness of intimate partner violence each October By Amanda Kippert Awareness months might seem trivial in theory—shouldn’t we be concerned with important issues like domestic…
Help raise awareness and end stigma about domestic violence, and most importantly speak up and offer resources to anyone you think may be in an abusive relationship. Domestic Violence Awareness…