Is It OK to Step Away from a Survivor of Domestic Violence?
Helping a friend or family member who is a victim of domestic abuse can wear you out. You may need to take a break to care for yourself By Lisa…
24 Hour Crisis Line 252-925-2500
Helping a friend or family member who is a victim of domestic abuse can wear you out. You may need to take a break to care for yourself By Lisa…
Teens: Understanding consent in your relationship By No matter what your age, your voice matters. That’s the idea of consent—you have the right to call the shots and say…
Our survivor community shares their reasons for never going back By Amanda Kippert Leaving an abusive partner is intricately more complicated than leaving any other type of partner or relationship.…
Kelly Ann Krueger, Paige Hill, Gray News Staff ENGLEWOOD, Tenn. (WVLT/Gray News) - A Tennessee woman is facing numerous charges after authorities said she sexually assaulted nine high school students.…
Abuse doesn't always leave bruises—how to spot four different common forms By The first time you’re in a romantic relationship as a teen can feel a little dizzying. It’s…
You didn’t cause the abuse and you couldn’t have stopped it By Amanda Kippert As if it’s not enough to endure trauma and all its cohorts, like anxiety, depression, insomnia…
How adults can help young people build healthy relationships before dating violence begins By What do teens wish parents knew about dating violence in their worlds? A National Institute…
5 ways you can start feeling good about yourself and the world again By After escaping an abusive partner, starting a new life can feel empowering. You’re on your…
How to get one varies state-to-state, but the bottom line is yes, you can By No age group is immune to domestic violence. In fact, teens and young women…
Signs that indicate you’re in a healthy relationship with a safe partner By Amanda Kippert If you’re on this site, you likely know something about unhealthy relationships, toxic individuals, red…