Escape Plan: How to Find a Safe Place
It’s time to leave an abusive partner, but where do you go? By It’s a cruel irony: The most dangerous time for a survivor of domestic violence is the…
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It’s time to leave an abusive partner, but where do you go? By It’s a cruel irony: The most dangerous time for a survivor of domestic violence is the…
A comprehensive guide to the many versions of this helpful illustration that outlines tactics abusers use Amanda Kippert Many survivors of domestic abuse and violence will say that the first…
How to recognize this subtle yet dangerous form of domestic abuse Shelley Flannery Coercive control refers to any pattern of behavior an abuser uses to dominate their partner and limit…
Abusers lie about incidents before you have a chance to tell your side Shelley Flannery For a host of reasons—shock, embarrassment, guilt, shame, safety—it’s difficult enough to come forward about…
Listen for these words that could spell control, or much worse Amanda Kippert We all know what sticks and stones can do, but the second part of that saying isn’t…
Abusers rely on long-term tactics to build up a sense of dependency in their victim By Reese Jones and Amanda Kippert You might not have heard of the term love…
After being shot in the face by his second wife, James moved on to another woman, convincing her he was the victim Amanda Kippert (ICYMI: Part I and Part II)…
Study shows women much less likely to be killed if they ask for help By Most likely, this headline did not come as a shock. At least, not for…
A comprehensive guide to understanding domestic violence and the role of adult protective services Jun 14, 2021 Shelley Flannery Elder abuse is the intentional or negligent mistreatment of an adult…
June is the month dedicated to raising awareness for abuse of the elderly. Elder Abuse Awareness Month is tackling a huge, important issue since many seniors are being abused. The…