3 Steps to Break the Domestic Violence Cycle in Kids’ Lives
With the right help, children can learn how to break the cycle of domestic abuse By Hannah Craig This story was originally published in 2017. It was updated in 2023.…
24 Hour Crisis Line 252-925-2500
With the right help, children can learn how to break the cycle of domestic abuse By Hannah Craig This story was originally published in 2017. It was updated in 2023.…
Marital rape is a very real—and very illegal—offense By Amanda Kippert This piece was originally published in 2014. It was updated in 2023. Marital rape is a serious form of…
Young, vulnerable and trusting, she lived through abuse hoping to find love By DomesticShelters.org It started with comments about her clothing—her skirt was too short, and he didn’t want her…
An abuser might use these tactics to try to keep their hold on you even after you escape. Here are some strategies you can use to stay safe By Stephanie…
Our brains can be injured by both physical and psychological abuse By Amanda Kippert A domestic violence survivor calls the police after her abusive partner is violent. It isn’t the…
Signs that indicate you’re in a healthy relationship with a safe partner By Amanda Kippert If you’re on this site, you likely know something about unhealthy relationships, toxic individuals, red…
Using accountable language holds abusers accountable for murder By Amanda Kippert Do a quick scan of the headlines and you’re likely to see a few stories about homicide. Statistically speaking,…
The signs of burnout and why it’s important parents don’t ignore them By Amanda Kippert We know that after any kind of trauma, including domestic violence, the after-effects can manifest…
Calling for help from a cell phone might make it hard to track you down. Smart911 helps emergency responders get to you By DomesticShelters.org True or false? If you call…
The reason many survivors keep their escape plans a secret By DomesticShelters.org “I secretly planned it with my mom, brother and sister-in-law.”“I told a close friend and my pastor.”“I told…