First National Bank ~~~~~~~~~ 2020 Hyde County Hotline HOPE Sponsor
Thank You! First National Bank 2020 Hyde County Hotline HOPE SPONSOR
24 Hour Crisis Line 252-925-2500
Thank You! First National Bank 2020 Hyde County Hotline HOPE SPONSOR
Oct 12, 2020 By Lisa Fontes, Ph.D. Most people feel scared and confused when they think about separating from an abusive partner. The dangers of a severe assault, and even…
Getting yourself and your children to a safe place is the number one priority By You’re enduring life with an abusive partner and you realize it’s time to leave.…
Court cases against abusers are bolstered by evidence from survivors—but what if it’s not safe for you to collect any? By Amanda Kippert Ask any survivor, advocate or attorney: Finding…
Get the outcome you want in court by being prepared for the big day Aug 03, 2020 By Lisa Aronson Fontes, PhD Although you may feel concerned or even terrified…
These apps can record calls and fights, recognize an abuser and dial 911 on your behalf Jul 22, 2020 By Amanda Kippert According to a survey on, a third…
Healthy Relationships What Does Consent Mean? As important as consent is, we don’t talk about it enough. So it’s understandable if you’re a little unsure about what it is –…
September 26, 20190 Comments Excerpted from The Happy Healthy Nonprofit: Impact with Burnout by Beth Kanter and Aliza Sherman Copyright 2016 Wiley Self-care is incredibly important for all our…