Human Trafficking

What is Human Trafficking? The Trafficking Victims’ Protection Act defines human trafficking as: a) sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or…

Violence Wheel

The chart below is a way of looking at the behaviors abusers use to get and keep control in their relationships. Battering is a choice. It is used to gain…

NC Rape Crisis Centers

North Carolina has a large number of rape crisis centers throughout the state that can be of help to you. These centers provide free, confidential referrals and services for sexual…

Food Lion Feeds Charitable Foundation

News Release Contact: Kathryn Ballance 252-925-2502 June 21, 2016 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Hyde County Hotline Receives Gift from Food Lion Feeds Charitable Foundation Engelhard, NC – Hyde County Hotline…