Tag: Outreach

Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Sexual Assault Sexual violence is defined by the NSVRC as any type of unwanted sexual contact ranging from sexist attitudes and actions to rape and murder. According to RAINN, an…

Teens and Cyber Safety

Online or Texting It’s a BIG Cyberworld! You can use it to…. Connect with friends Learn new stuff Trade photos and videos Listen to music, watch movies and play games…


Know what to do in case of Sexual Assault Applies to Forensic Exams completed after July 27,2009 Victims Compensation Services N. C. Department of Crime Control & Public Safety Rape…

Mandatory Reporting in NC

Mandatory Reporting Requirements in North Carolina Q: Who has a duty to report? A: A private person generally has no obligation to report evidence of a crime. There may be…

7 Ways to Prevent Child Abuse

The burden of prevention has been resting for years on the smallest shoulders in our society: the children who are most vulnerable, least powerful, and least likely to be able…

Training to Spot Abuse

New Illinois law makes domestic violence awareness part of beauty professionals’ education March 06, 2017 By domesticshelters.org A new law that went into effect Jan. 1 requires licensed beauty professionals…