White Ribbon Against Pornography
WRAP Week is intended to educate the public about the extent of our society’s pornography problem. WRAP also creates a unique opportunity to raise the issue of pornography within the church to call Christians to renewed lives of sexual purity and freedom.
White Ribbon Week began in 1987 when Norma Norris heard a sermon delivered against pornography by her pastor in Butler, PA. Soon after, she conceived the idea of a simple white ribbon as a symbol of decency.

The intersection of pornography and human trafficking
“There are all kinds of connections, big and small, between pornography and sex trafficking. There are incidental connections, like the fact that exposure to pornography has been shown to make viewers less compassionate toward victims of sexual violence and exploitation.
There are “supply-and-demand” connections: the simple fact that pornography—especially when viewing habits and fantasies involve violence or other fetishes—increases the demand for sex trafficking, as more and more viewers want to act out what they see.
There is the “training manual” connection: the well-documented fact that porn directly informs what goes on in trafficking. Traffickers and sex buyers get ideas from porn, and then make their victims watch as a way of showing them what they’ll be expected to do, so that the violent fantasy concocted by some porn director and his or her actors becomes the reality for some trafficking victim.
And then there is the risk factor connection: the fact that, along with poverty and substance abuse, a child growing up in a home where pornography is regularly consumed is far more likely to be trafficked at some point in his or her life.
But what’s the biggest, most surprising connection between pornography and trafficking? It’s this: they’re often the same thing. “
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Pornography’s effect on the mind
In a 2012 survey of 1,500 males, 56% of them said their tastes in porn had become “increasingly extreme or deviant” the more porn they watched. This happens because as consistent porn consumers’ brains quickly become accustomed to the porn they’ve already seen, they have to constantly be moving on to more extreme forms of pornography to get aroused by it. As a result, many porn users find themselves getting aroused by things that used to unsettle them or that go against what their personal values of what they think should be accepted. As this happens, porn consumers often start to look to porn rather than real partners for intimacy and relationships.
– From www.fightthenewdrug.com
Pornography’s effects on relationships

Pornography can ruin a relationship due to the over exaggerated and graphic scenes depicted. Men will yearn for what they watch and will start to create a drift between them and their partner without even knowing it.
According to the Journal of Adolescent Health, prolonged exposure to pornography leads to the diminished trust between intimate couples and the belief that marriage is sexually confining.
In 2002, the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers reported that 56% of divorces involved one party having “an obsessive interest in pornographic websites” and 47% involved spending excessive time on the computer. These results were reported as the most salient factors present in divorce cases.
Protecting the youth

The purpose of WRAP Week is to make sure that children AND adults are educated on the damaging effects pornography can have.
First exposure to internet pornography is 11-14 years old. Many parents and children/teens are not aware of the quickness of pornography addiction. Sexual addiction can occur within a week and easily within three months for many people.
Children/teens need to abandon the “everybody’s seeing these things” mindset and be responsible for what goes into their minds. During their first exposure, their brains haven’t developed enough to understand what they are seeing is wrong and will believe anything they see.
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10 Ways You Can Help
Wear a white ribbon!
Share a sermon or teach a Bible lesson about God’s call for Christians to be sexually pure.
Create and share a list of resources about sexual addiction treatment services available in your community.
Show a film such as Somebody’s Daughter or The Price of Pleasure and host a discussion about pornography’s impact on individuals and society.
Talk to your children and grandchildren about pornography and its harms.
Inform your community by organizing a public event feature an expert on pornography’s harms.
Ask your state legislatures or city executives to pass a WRAP Proclamation (contact: anti_sextrafficking@usn.salvationarmy.org).
Use social media to promote WRAP Week and websites like pornharms.com
Politely make complaints to businesses that distribute or advertise pornography and obscene material.
Pray and fast that God would free those caught in the spiritual bondage of sexual addiction and sexual sin
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